Circular Economy in the steel sector: future trends and challenges in Brazil
Circular economy, Steel in Brazil, Carbon market, Global sustainabilityAbstract
Purpose: Examine the role of the circular economy in the steel sector, highlighting trends and challenges faced in its transition to a more sustainable practices.
Methodology/approach: This research is centered on a qualitative analysis of the steel production chain in Brazil. Information was gathered using in-depth interviews and was examined through an abductive approach involving purposive sampling.
Originality/relevance: This study highlights the main trends, examines the challenges, and outlines the best practices within the Brazilian industry steel sector, framed within the context of the circular economy.
Key findings: The results show that Brazil is aligned with global sustainability and circularity trends in the steel industry, albeit with particular challenges.
Theoretical/methodological contributions: The findings of this investigation are intended to establish a basis for mapping out the trends in Brazil's steel industry by 2035.
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