Enhancing Public Administration Efficiency: Ensuring Effective Guarantee of Fundamental Rights to Brazilians
Efficient public administration, Fundamental rights, Constitutionalism, Electoral promises, Good governanceAbstract
This article addresses the fundamental importance of providing efficient public administration as a means to safeguard the fundamental rights of Brazilians. It highlights the need for an administration that is attentive to the interests of the people and committed to fulfilling the promises made during electoral campaigns. Failure to fulfill these promises undermines the legitimacy of democratically elected officials who deviate from their proposed policies and engage in inefficient practices, detached from the aspirations of the electorate, and tainted by incompetence and corruption. The objective of this paper is to emphasize the right to good administration as an inalienable and binding right exercised by elected candidates. It concludes that elected officials have an obligation to possess knowledge of public management, administer efficiently, and ensure competent and effective governance for the benefit of Brazilians. The study is divided into three sections: the importance of constitutionalism, the generations or dimensions of fundamental rights, and the necessity of efficient public administration.
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