Unveiling the Historical Reconstruction of Financial Activity: Leveraging Compliance Practices for Implementation and Sophistication in Brazil
Historical reconstruction, Financial activity, Compliance practices, Fraudulent practicesResumo
In recent years, economic scandals and fraudulent practices in financial institutions have captured national attention, prompting the demand for ethical conduct, transparency, and responsibility. Compliance, as a form of corporate governance, has gained significance in the Brazilian context, particularly within the financial sector. This research aims to examine how historical banking practices serve as a foundation for the establishment and advancement of compliance mechanisms in optimizing financial activities.
Using an inductive methodology supported by bibliographic and documentary research, this study analyzes historical cases to determine if banking activities have deviated and adopted fraudulent systems. The research begins by examining the concept of the contract of deposit of fungible goods in ancient Rome, focusing on the concrete case of the Bank of Calisto I. It then explores medieval banking practices in commercial Italian cities, particularly Florence and the Medici Bank, as well as Catalonia, with emphasis on Barcelona.
The study further investigates the financial systems of the modern era, analyzing banks in Amsterdam, Stockholm, and the Bank of England, specifically their handling of deposits and reserve contingencies. Finally, the research explores the link between past banking practices and the contemporary financial system, evaluating current prevention mechanisms, internal and external oversight of banks, and the historical contributions of financial activities to the evolution of existing control mechanisms.
This research provides valuable insights into the historical foundations that have shaped compliance practices in Brazil. By understanding the historical context, it offers valuable knowledge for enhancing and sophisticating financial activities within the compliance framework, contributing to improved transparency, risk mitigation, and ethical behavior in the financial sector.
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